Hier finden Sie den Beispielcode in C# und VB:
Das Beispiel zeigt, wie Sie mit dem PCB-Investigator eine Grafik aus für Sie interessanten Daten generieren lassen können. Falls Sie die sichtbaren Bereiche abspeichern wollen, gibt es dafür eine einfache Methode in IPCBIWindow:
//for current view you can use this example:
Bitmap curView = mainWindowPCBI.GetCurrentPicture();
curView.Save(@"C:\E\tests\curView.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
Andernfalls können sie den Durchgang (step) benutzen, um eine Grafik einer Lagenliste und eines definierten Bereiches erstellen zu lassen:
IPCBIWindow mainWindowPCBI; //fill e.g. in load or on other button click with mainWindowPCBI = IAutomation.CreateNewPCBIWindow(true);
private void buttonExportImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
IStep step = mainWindowPCBI.GetCurrentStep();
if (step == null) return;
ICMPLayer layerCMPsTop = step.GetCMPLayer(true);
//exisits the compnenent layer?
if (layerCMPsTop == null) return;
List<IObject> layerObjectList = layerCMPsTop.GetAllLayerObjects();
//is there a compnent on the layer?
if (layerObjectList.Count == 0) return;
//for the example we use the first component, you can search for each component attribut you want
SaveImageFromComponent((ICMPObject)layerObjectList[0], step, @"C:\E\tests\");
//something went wrong?
string errorLog = IAutomation.GetErrorLog();
/// <summary>
/// This example shows how to make an image of an component with connections on the signal layer below.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="CMPforImage">The relevant component</param>
/// <param name="step">current step from the component</param>
/// <param name="FileLocation">Where should we save the image?</param>
public void SaveImageFromComponent(ICMPObject CMPforImage, IStep step, string FileLocation)
List<ILayer> layers = new List<ILayer>(); //for the image we need all layers who are visible
ICMPLayer CMPlayer = step.GetCMPLayer(CMPforImage.PlacedTop);
IODBLayer outsideSignalLayer = step.GetOutsideODBLayer(CMPforImage.PlacedTop);
if (CMPlayer == null) return; //check the layer is existing? maybe wrong job?
if (outsideSignalLayer != null) //we want to see where are pins connected
RectangleF boundsRelevantCMP = CMPforImage.GetBounds();
boundsRelevantCMP.Inflate(100, 100); //show a little bit of the area around the component
//create the image and save it as png
PCBI.Automation.IStep.BitmapResultClass imageClass = step.GetBitmap(layers, boundsRelevantCMP, 500, 500);
if (imageClass != null)
imageClass.Image.Save(FileLocation + CMPforImage.Ref + ".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);